GREEN BRANDS X SHARITY - We stand together for good causes


GREEN BRANDS is an independent, international organisation, based in Veitsbronn, Germany, operating since 2011. In cooperation with international institutions in the fields of environment and climate protection, sustainability and market research - and with the help of a jury of local experts - we certify ecologically sustainable brands, which are then given the opportunity to obtain the GREEN BRANDS seal.

The seal is registered and recognised by the European Union as a mark of ecological sustainability.

The unique worldwide three-step process for awarding eco-sustainable brands is applicable to Service Companies, Production Companies, Non-Food Products and Food Products.

Under the scheme, brands are awarded in two-year cycles, and at the end of each period a major awards ceremony will be held to celebrate all the winning brands.

At the Regional Awards Ceremony on 20 March 2023 held in Hungary, Budapest, we will honour Hungarian, Czech and Slovak brands that have already demonstrated their commitment to sustainability and have successfully passed the audit, will be able to carry the GREEN BRANDS seal, using it on their products and in their communications and enjoy the benefits of our 2-years program

Please see and help the selected good cause.
Act together for a better world.

Donating to the following good cause is possible with money or without money via the Sharity app or by using the link below.

Please follow these steps:

1. Click the „Donate” button you find below the description of the charity campaign. It navigates you directly to the page of the selected good cause.

2. Click on the „támogatom pénzzel” (donate with money) pink button OR „támogatom pénz nélkül” (donate without own money) blue button and follow the instructions.

Thank you for donating to a good cause. 

Environment protection program in Hungary for self-motivated youth

It is the philosofy of Jane Goodall Institution to inspire the youth to initiate projects which help to protect environment, help animals and people at the same time. These projects are sprung, organized and realized by the self-motivated youth themselves. We launched this collection to support these projects, which are rather small but truly important.

The specific, close to nature program which inspires children and the youth is the excursion on the Jane Goodall Educational, Nature Trail. Hiking the trail or the ‘walk theatre’, participants learn the history and thoughts of Dr. Jane Goodall.

The educational trail was inaugurated by Dr. Jane Goodall in 2018 (see photo). She will visit Budapest again this May to continue to inspire the audience (both youth and elderly) with her presentation.

The recent collection of donations help to realize the projects of the youth, planting trees, extending the trail, but also to help to organize the visit of Dr. Jane Goodall.

Our ultimate goal is to make the world a better place with the projects initiated by the youth.

What is Sharity?

A (worldwide) unique charity & impact advertising platform (including an app) where – beside donating money with your own money – you can also donate money when you do not have financial resources. How can you donate money without your own money?
You simply download the Sharity app, select the good cause you like to help and opt to watch a (max. 30 secs)video there. Watching the videos in the Sharity app will automatically generate monetary revenues to the organisations that represent your chosen good causes to support. You are simply using your time to support good causes.
On top of providing a great feeling of donating for good causes, the Sharity app also rewards your willingness to help with many prizes and discount coupons.


Képernyőfotó 2022-09-19 - 13.08.35

Miló Viktória


Barabás Éva


Dr. Csisztu Zsuzsa

Képernyőfotó 2022-08-01 - 17.19.40

Németh Kristóf

hollósi jázmin

Hollósi Jázmin


Illés Fanni


Harsány Levente


Tápai Szabina

csonka andrás

Csonka András

péter szabo szilvia 2

Péter Szabó Szilvia

Best fotó 4

Bálint Antónia


Irigy Hónaljmirigy

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Download the Sharity app!

Full charity donations from the advertisers go to the charity organisations representing the good causes you chose to support by watching the ads/videos. Therefore, in this way, real money goes to the good causes without money spent by the users, video watchers.