Budapest/Salzburg, 23 September 2022

Smart content combined with optimized utilization of state-of-the-art technology offers immense opportunities to close global and local divides and the achievement of the UN SDGs. SHARITY IMPACT was nominated as best national digital solution for HUNGARY for the international WSA (World Summit Awards), awarding yearly digital innovation with impact on society.  With this nomination in the Category BUSINESS & COMMERCE, SHARITY IMPACT qualifies for evaluation by the WSA Jury 2022 among over 350 international nominations – a global diameter of digital innovation, from Canada to Indonesia, from Finland to Mozambique.

The WSA nominees 2022 show the richness, diversity, future, and innovation of digital solutions on a global scale and prove how digital technology can improve society in each corner of the world.

SHARITY IMPACT was nominated asbest national digital solution for HUNGARY for the international WSA.

SHARITY IMPACT developed an app, which provides a new, innovative (online) marketing channel/platform where marketing activities (like watching ads, videos) have a direct social or/and environmental impact (‘impact marketing’). The app connects givers with charity organisations with also establishing a new (Sharity)Transparency Standard (STS) for charity organisations and their activities. Users – who registered in the app – can donate money without money by simply watching a short video, where the advertiser pays the donation per watch directly to the charity organisation/campaign. No commission is deducted from the donations neither when donating with money nor when donating with watching a video in the app. Sharity Mobile Application Inc. Co. (Sharity Zrt.) is unique in a way, that the social goal/impact was defined first, then the business model (incl. the ‘impact marketing’) was created around it with using the latest (digital)technology.

The WSA 2022 nominees will be evaluated based on seven fundamental criteria: Content, Functionality, Design, Technology, Innovation, Impact and Value.

WSA combines two major perspectives in its initiative – first the commitment on the UN SDGs, and how to use ICTs to development.  And second the development of a global knowledge society. The UN SDGs must be our measurement – in terms of what to look at and where to look. Today we are living in a completely different environment – through the mobile revolution, through the emergence of the algorithmic age – data has become a capital as much as labour, land money and machinery. Hence, it is more important than ever to evaluate what is excellent content that really offers solutions and impact. Qualitative, local content has become the key and permanent issue. WSA presents innovation that uses ICT for social connectivity. To hack the global gaps.“ WSA Chairman Peter A. Bruck.

The WSA nominees are selected carefully and highly competitive by the WSA National Experts from more than 184 UN member states. The WSA National Experts nominate up to eight projects for each country – one for every WSA category.

A nomination to the WSA hence is already an award in itself – the qualification to compete and compare on an international level and being the best practice in BUSINESS & COMMERCE nationally.

About the WSA

WSA is a global initiative within the framework of the United Nations World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). WSA is the only ICT event worldwide, that reaches digital driven social impact community in over 180 countries. WSA highlights digital content improving society and focusses on local content with global relevance.

Visit us on www.wsa-global.org, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, #WSA21

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